How Periodontal Treatment May Help You

When it comes to oral health, we easily forget the importance of healthy gums. Well, periodontal disease can be a painful experience, especially if you’ve lost a few teeth. Gum disease requires early treatment since the problem is irreversible at an advanced stage.

If you ignore those small issues, the plaque could damage the bone structure that supports the teeth, leading to more serious problems. In this post, we’ll discuss everything you need to know about periodontal treatment.


What is periodontal treatment?

It’s a dental procedure that helps to treat gum conditions like periodontitis or gingivitis. The dental surgeon lifts the gum to remove plaque buildup. After that, the gums are stitched around the teeth. Without the right treatment, the area that surrounds the teeth is slowly lost.

Based on an individual case, the dentist can recommend either surgical or non-surgical treatment. The non-surgical treatment involves removing the bacteria beneath the gums and smoothening the surface to prevent future buildup.

For advanced periodontitis, pocket reduction surgery or flap surgery is recommended. The surgeon will make incisions to clean the teeth thoroughly. After that, he will recommend some antibiotics to keep infections at bay.


Benefits of periodontal treatment

The periodontal treatment protects against gum disease and helps to maintain good oral health. Generally, the procedure focuses on restoring looks and function.

Tartar removal

Tartar can build up below and over the gum line. If left untreated, you may experience serious dental problems. But since plaque and tartar cannot be identified regularly, you should make regular checks to maintain good oral health.

Even if you take care of your teeth, some bacteria will still find their way in. This gunk coats the gum line and can stick to other dental work. And because the plaque carries bacteria, it can damage the tooth leading to cavities. Bigger problems can arise if you don’t take any steps to remove plaque on your teeth.

Guarantees fresh breath

Bad breath (halitosis) is a red flag of gum disease. It’s caused by rotting food particles on the gum line. Periodontal treatment will leave you with natural fresh breath. The surgeon will destroy pockets of bacteria to prevent further damage.

Gives a beautiful smile

You deserve a beautiful smile – the gums play an important part too. After the treatment, your gums will give you the confidence to smile wide.

Identifies other dental problems

Once you visit a dentist, he can tell you about other underlying conditions. With regular periodontal appointments, some potential problems can be picked up quickly.


Who is it for?

Now that you understand the basics of periodontal treatment, you may be wondering whether you’re potential a candidate for it.

If the gum disease is at an advanced stage, dental surgery is necessary. Yes, you have read that right. The truth is, bones or gums cannot regenerate on their own. So, the sooner you get treated, the less expensive options you have at your disposal. But again, this will depend on the extent of the damage.

If you have receding or inflamed gums, you should go to the dentist as soon as possible. Severe periodontitis may require the replacement of a missing tooth or the use of dental implants.


Each case is unique, so you should talk to your dentist to find out the best treatment options. And because periodontal disease is progressive, early treatment can help you preserve that smile.